Music Memorabilia

Framing Music Memorabilia in Shadow Boxes

A shadow box can be used to display many types of music related items. Frame your favourite musical instrument, sheet music, CD, or vinyl record. You can even preserve your memories of your favourite rock concert in a shadow box!
Signed Jon Bon Jovi photo, concert tickets and pin framed in a black shadow box with black mats
Van Morrison photos, tickets, concert program framed in a black shadow box with black and grey mats
Chordially Yours Christmas CD, CD cover, song lyrics framed in a black shadow box with black mats
Guns N' Roses sheet music, 45 record, backstage pass framed in a black shadow box with black mats
Signed CD cover, dressing room door sign, photo, wrist band framed in a black faux leather shadow box with black mats
Breaker band photo, record and album cover, cymbal and drumsticks framed in a black shadow box with black mats
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